In about a month's time I'm hittin' the road.
I'm traveling from Dawson City, Yukon - my home town, all the way to the British Columbian coast, it's a least a two day drive, and that's pretty much puttin' the pedal to the medal.
I'm road tripping with a good buddy, so when the drive gets a bit boring, or my buddy gets a too boring I'll crank up the tunes.
I'm heading to galleries that represent me on the West Coast, Madrona Gallery, in Victoria, Hambleton Galleries in Kelowna, Adele Campbell in Whistler, and Van Dop in New Westminster, BC.
For many, many years - probably too many I've painted traditional landscape mostly of the Yukon, but the time has come - 'and now for something completely different' (to quote Monty Python) to get outside that old comfort zone, and look for new inspiration - so stay tuned for something completely different.
I've already started exploring this new adventure before it begins.
I'm brightening my palette and looking forward to new beginnings.
Oh yeah, almost forgot my solo exhibition this September in Whitehorse Yukon, from the 14-16 at the awesome Old Fire Hall.
So stay tuned for more details about Homestay - keep the homefire burning, yup that's what were calling this here new show.
New painting 'Bleeding Birch' 24x30", Oil on Canvas